FACEnetwork Photo Contest
Your vision of TASTE
FACE Network is happy to announce the 1st edition of the new Photo Contest!
theme of the year is:
Think about TASTE
Take a picture
The best 20 photos will be selected to be part of a special exhibition
in Oslo, Norway, during the Annual Meeting Conference. In that occasion
the winners will be announced. The best picture will win a package of
international cheeses!
- Are you making farmhouse or artisanal cheese?
- Are you a passionate dairy producer?
- You like to take photos?
- Then we invite you to enter our photo contest!
- Show in one picture taste in all it’s dimensions.
Who can participate?
- The contest is open to any cheese and dairy producer/worker aged 18 years or older.
- It is also open to future cheese and dairy producers, who are in training or internship period in a farmhouse or artisanal dairy, provided they are aged 18 years or older.
- Participation is free
What to show in your photo?
- The theme Contest for this year is: “TASTE - the 5 senses and the cheese”.
- With their picture participants can explore the concept of taste related to the cheese in all kinds of aspects.
The photos submitted must:
- be your own original work
- not infringe the rights of others
- be respectful of the participants and potential audience, showing cultural sensitivity and avoiding indecent, shocking or disturbing images (e.g. Not harming individuals or animals).
How to apply
There is no particular requirement concerning the image format.
Each photo should be in high resolution to be printable. The key to enable the upload is 284792.
Please send your photo before 30. September 2024.
Only one photo may be accepted per participant.
- Step 1.
FACEnetwork Marketing Workgroup will select the best 20 pictures. Photos are judged for their content, creativity and originality.
- Step 2.
The best 20 pictures will be shown in the exhibition organised in Oslo during the FACEnetwork Annual Meeting Conference and published in the FACEnetwork Instagram and Facebook for the final judging.
The judges decisions is final.
Prize winners will be notified via the contact information provided with their entry. The winners will then be announced on FACEnetwork’s website and social media and during the ceremony at the annual meeting.
- All participating pictures will be published on FACEnetwork website and its accounts on social media.
- The winner will get a package of international artisan an farmhouse cheese made by dairies member of FACEnetwork .
- The second and the third placed will each receive a book about European traditional cheese.
Please find all relevant information on application and prerequisites for attending in the following document:
FACE Photo Contest Rules
Verband für handwerkliche Milchverarbeitung e.V.
Alte Poststraße 87, 85356 Freising
Tel. +49 (0)8161 - 787 36 03, Fax +49 (0)8161 - 787 36 81
E-Mail: info@milchhandwerk.info