General Assembly
The General Assembly enjoys full powers to implement the aims and is composed by all the members of FACEnetwork.
Only full members have voting rights. Supporting members and individual supporters have consultative voice.
The General Assembly must meet each year. The convening notice must be sent by the President of the Association to the members with a period of 30 working days.
Powers reserved to the General Assembly are in particular:
- endorsement of the Board proposed by the Council
- approval of budgets and accounts
- amendment of the statutes
- dissolution of the Association
- endorsement of the list of new members submitted by the Council
- fixing of the amounts of subscription to be paid by the members
- approval, on a proposal by the Council, of the internal rules of the Association
- exercising of any other power that is accorded to it under the
Statutes or required
for the good functioning of the Association
Verband für handwerkliche Milchverarbeitung e.V.
Alte Poststraße 87, 85356 Freising
Tel. +49 (0)8161 - 787 36 03, Fax +49 (0)8161 - 787 36 81