[News from FACE] General Assembly FACEnetwork in Oslo
Within the Conference in Norway about Taste
The annual meeting is the moment of the General Assembly of our association. This time, we met at Mathallen in Oslo. This is a food market, including cheese shops, so very appropriate.
During the General Assembly we spoke about the work done and current topics in the council and in the working groups. The proposed raise of membership fees was adopted, ensuring a more solid financial base for FACEnetwork in the future.
After the assembly, there were short meetings of the working groups, followed by the shooting of the group photo and a convivial lunch. Many thanks to NorsGardsost for the excellent organisation!
Members can read the report and view the presentations at the dedicated page on the website
Mark your calendars: in 2025, the annual meeting of FACEnetwork will be from 27-29 October in Croatia.