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[News from FACE] Contact with European Parliament

Earlier this year, several members of the lobby group of FACEnetwork have had online meetings with members of the European Parliament. The goal of the meetings was to get acquainted and to speak about the burdens that we encounter in our daily operations with the application of EU legislation, even though we are in line with the Farm to Fork strategy.

We spoke with members of COMAGRI (Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development) and/or COMENVI (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety), as the decisions prepared in these two commissions are very important for our work.

We have had interesting meetings and exchanged about possibilities for future cooperation and projects. To present ourselves, we used the new flyer of FACEnetwork.
You download it here and use it in your contacts with your authorities and politicians!

www.face-network.eu  –  2 May 2024