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[News from the EU Commission] Questionnaire “Simplification – the farmers point of view”

EU Commission aims at directly gathering the views of EU farmers on rules for food and agriculture

The EU Commission has launched an online survey to directly gather the views of EU
farmers about the burden of procedures and rules linked to financial support under the
common agricultural policy (CAP) as well as other rules for food and agriculture in the EU.

A survey questionnaire, composed of a series of short closed and open questions, is available
in all EU languages at the following link:

Please note: You may change the language of the survey via the button on the right handside.

Bild-Nr. 20467

These questions aim to collect farmers’ hands-on feedback and views about the way the CAP
and associated policies are implemented. The survey is open from 7 March until 8 April 2024.

In a second step, in the course of May/June 2024, replies to the questionnaire will be explored through in-depth phone interviews with a limited number of farmers who have given their consent to do so in the survey.

Findings of the survey and interviews will be used for a more detailed analysis of the complexities faced by farmers. The results are expected in autumn 2024.

Should you have any questions about this survey, please contact the European Commission at AGRI-A1@ec.europa.eu

www.face-network.eu  –  12 March 2024