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Discover Farmhouse Cheese

The new European website goes online on 1st of June 2021

We have scaled up the number of participating cheesemakers from 3 countries to more than 15 countries across Europe

1. Discover the variety of European cheese

FACEnetwork with members in actual 17 European countries offer the possibility to discover farmhouse and artisanal cheeses in different regions with a wide variety of traditions.

Bild-Nr. 19876

Bild-Nr. 19833

Bild-Nr. 19830

2. Visit farmhouse and artisan dairies

Do you enjoy traditional and artisanal food?
Do you like animals and do you want to visit farms?

There are lots of dates and locations to choose from. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about farmhouse dairy production from our European neighbours.
Farmhouse dairies have been building up associations to collaborate, exchange, consult, train etc. Together these organisations form a European Network (FACEnetwork).
Check out this website to find the contact details of farmhouse dairies from all these organisations and countries in one place .

Bild-Nr. 19851

Bild-Nr. 19866

Bild-Nr. 19892

3. Delicious dairy products and cheese in the kitchen

Are you curious to explore the diversity of cheese taste?
Do you want to discover the many uses of artisanal and traditional fresh milk, butter, cream, yoghurt and cheese in cooking and baking?
Are you a friend of good food and looking for artisanal and traditional products with their special tastes?

Bild-Nr. 19870

Bild-Nr. 19852

Bild-Nr. 19857

Please find more things to learn, background information and event tips on the new website:


Full members of FACEnetwork, farmhouse cheesemaker and producer organisations in 17 countries:

www.face-network.eu  –  1 June 2021