FACE Newsletter
FACE Newsletter

Dear member of FACEnetwork,

please find below the FACEnetwork newsletter for May 2022. If the newsletter is not displayed correctly please use the onlineversion

Please spread the information of this newsletter, share it with your members and cheesemaking collegues.

How to translate the newsletter easy online to your own language

  1. go to google translate
  2. choose website instead of text
  3. add the link of the newsletter https://www.face-network.eu/newsletter/2022/05 or the page of the news you want to read
  4. choose your language and click the blue flash to translate

We wish you an enjoyable read,

Kind regards,

FACEnetwork Marketing Workgroup


FACE Network is a European network of national associations representing farmhouse and artisan cheesemakers. Our story begins in 2006 when French and German farmhouse cheesemakers started a collaboration to share practical common issues. Later in 2013 FACEnetwork association was created with the objective to represent and defend the interests of farmhouse and artisan cheese and dairy producers on a national and European level.

Today our network counts:

  • 20 full members (producer’s associations) from 17 different European countries;
  • about 4000 producers represented;
  • 19 supporting members from 10 countries;
  • 20 individual members.

Since 2009, farmhouse and artisan cheese makers from several European countries have been working together on areas of common concern such as sanitary regulation, preservation of traditional knowledge, the exchange of experiences, difficulties for small scale dairies.



FACE Network Annual Meeting in Bohinj, Slovenia 01 - 04/10/2022

After two years of pandemic, finally we will meet! Next October Slovenia will host the FACE annual meeting in Bohinj. Topic of … Read more
[Lobbying] NutriScore

Why we are asking for a derogation for farmhouse and artisan cheeses?

In the framework of the Farm to Fork strategy, the European Commission will make the Front of Pack Nutrition labelling mandatory. Now, they … Read more
[Lobbying] NutriScore
[News from the members] Sweden

Warming up to the Swedish Cheese Festival
Next Swedish Cheese festival will take place the 13.- 15. May 2022 in Stockholm

LRF and collaborators are organizing the next Swedish Cheese festival to take place the 13.- 15. May 2022 in Stockholm – follow … Read more
[News from the members] Sweden
[News from the members] Norway

Norsk Gardsost - Norwegian Farm Cheese Association celebrates 25 years!

Norsk Gardsost is an organization for Norwegian cheese-makers who either produce cheese on their farm or small-scale craft cheese. In 2022, the organization … Read more
[News from the members] Norway
[News from the members] Spain

International Cheese Market!

Our Spanish full member QueRed is co-organising the first edition of “FROMAGO” from 15 to 18 September 2022 in Zamora, Spain. The subscriptions … Read more
[News from the members] Spain
[Let's keep in touch!]

FOLLOW AND USE “#FACEnetwork” and “#europeancheesemakers”!

Let’s create together a place where to meet among European cheesemakers… on Social Networks! Farmhouse and artisan cheesemakers of whole Europe are a big family, often … Read more
[Let's keep in touch!]